Friday, January 25, 2008

The Gaysian has been otherwise occupied...

Hi all, sorry for the long delay in posting, but it's been a crazy few weeks. Firstly for those of you who are not in the know, I've made an international move for school. I'm starting my first term of veterinary medicine in Grenada. Needless to say the preparations, transition and settling have taken up quite a bit of my time. I am happy to report that for the most part all of this has gone by without a hitch. However, some things of note needs to be stated.

Perhaps the most surprising revelation of all is that the very first person I met is actually another gaysian! It would figure that I would have to move (note: that is move not travel, b/c that would just be too easy) to the West Indies (of all places) to encounter another one of our mystical unicorns. Thankfully, in addition to being a fellow gaysian, she is also quite sane and fun to hang with.

Another amazing surprise is that I am actually liking this quiet little island. While at times a feeling of claustrophobia does overcome me, I like the locals and find the area to be very pleasant. Actually since arriving here I've been incredibly stress free (for the most part). I am tempted to credit this sudden state of languid peace to the "island life".

The last bits of adjustment are to class (it's starting to look like a challenge to get used to the new teaching style and the sheer amount of information they throw at you...) and well finding a community. While it is beyond awesome to have found an ally off the bat it's not quite the same as having the support network of an actual community. While I hear rumours that other queerlings do exist out here (and hang out together!) I have yet to find them. Ah well, the search continues.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Gaysians Top Media Loves of 2007


3)Queens of the Stoneage: Era Vulgaris
A fun, complex album. A great mix of tunes and a well written album. Do check it out.
2) Alicia Keys: As I Am
One of my favorite artists of all time. She brought it back with full force in her latest album.
1)RockBand: The Song List
Okay so not technically an album, but nothing is greater than interactive music that brings back such great hits as Maps by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs and Creep by Radiohead.


3)The Crown of Valencia: By Catherine Friend
Awesomely cheesy. Lezzie trashy romance at it's best.
2)Greetings from Jamaica, Wish you were Queer: Mari Santorini
The title itself is description enough
1)Buffy The Vampier Slayer: Season 8
While obviously it's not the same as the TV series, I'm happy that this well written little comic has brought back my love of the buffyverse full force.


3)Hotrod: I'm as surprised and mortified as you that I actually like this slapstick, boy-humour oriented comedy. Who knew?
2)Pan's Lybrinth: Dark, scary and an interpretive ending. I loved it.
1)Juno: Written by Diablo Cody, a former stripper. Nuff said.

TV Shows:

3)Dexter: I heart Dex and so does beetchie. Surprisingly the world did not end.
2)The Sarah Silverman Program:
"Dude I'm gay for you." Gay Neighbor 1
"Dude I'm totally gay for you too." Gay Neighbor 2
"Aww what a sweet way to go to hell." Woman in prison.
1) The L-word season 4: Like there would any other tv show to take the top spot in my list? Psh.


3) Hack your ipod, increase your productivity! Geeky and smart!
2) If you love to hate your fav. celebs.
1) What would I do w/o my daily lezzie celeb/media updates?

Biggest disappointments of 2007

5. Any weddings/marriages/pregancies or otherwise signalling of the loss of a drinking partner.
4. TV Shows: Bionic Woman, South of Nowhere season 3, the cancellation of Sugar Rush
3. Moviewise: 30 Days of Night, Sweeney Todd, and Shoot em Up.
2. Books: Any of the new Anita Blake books released this year. Ugh.
1. People: Certain folk that I will not name.

2007 Recap

I find that as I get older the years seem to go by faster, a phenomenon that is not uncommon I've found. Well, moving along this line of perception, 2007 zipped by faster than a fat man at a free buffet. That being said here are some highlights of my year.

In 2007 I decided to focus more on my professional and academic growth. Turning 25 lit the proverbial fire under my butt and I charged head on into pursuing my life long professional dream. That of course didn't occur w/o my shoveling more poop than I cared for, but regardless at the end of the summer I finally got into a veterinary medical school. Hollah ladies, holla.

That being said I didn't spend as much time skanking, drinking and otherwise farting around as I did in 2005/2006 (where levels of drinking and ho'ing about were unrivalved before and since in my life). Yet 2007 was not all work and no play. As a matter of fact I did have a lot of play time. The largest recreational accomplishment of the year for me was my trip to Japan. After many years of planning/schemnig/hoping and praying with a good friend of mine, we finally packed up bags and hit the sky. Japan was a mixture of endless odd fascinations, slightly disappointing anime haven and a foodie heaven. I'm happy I went and even more happy that i left before the typoons and earthquakes, which have been stated before, is no fault of me or my friend.

I got a new tattoo (in Harajuku Japan), went to numerous concerts, meet a celebrity or two, learned how to insert a I.V cathater, made some great friends in the profession, changed jobs, passed biochemistry and on top of it all I was still able to maintain most of my friendships and remain sane.

For 2008 I look forward to starting vet school and making new friends. My only fear is finding fellow queerlings, but hey it's true our people are everywhere.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008


While watching previews for a movie I noted one with whats-his-face, Patrick Dempsey in it and turned to my unfortunately straight friend and inquired if she found him attractive. She affirmed that she indeed did and when confronted with my puzzled expression, explained that while he did look like a rather ordinary fellow he "just had something". I was rather confused. Was it his trademark hair (of which I was rather unimpressed with)? A rugged something or other? His perpetual five o'clock shadow (do straight gals really find that attractive??)? I, not sure if this was an issue of my being as queer as a three dollar bill (so I'm generally not gaga over men, period) or if McDreamy possess some unseen quality that is worthy of the hype and my tastes just happen to be part of the minority. Well that debate may be one that will never be settled, but I'm just going to take this opportunity to shower some love for some fabulous haired women in entertainment.

McBritish: Rachael Weiss

Just look at that hair (and not those eyebrows)! Gorgegous!

McOddity: Helena Bonham Carter

Despite being typecast as a kooky madwoman (her most recent role as Ms. Lovitt in Sweeny Todd was fantastic) there's something about this often time gothic and majorly wierd, crazy haired lady.

McFlashy: Jennifer Beals

No big haired beautiful lady post would be complete without her. I really should just rename this blog as the Jennifer Beals Photo Shrine. Heh.

McSnarky: Ellen Page

The scarsticlly lovable star of Juno (she also starred in Hard Candy and surprisngly X-Men as Kitty Pryor). Granted, her hair isn't that big at all...but she's so cute I couldn't resist posting her up here.