Thursday, January 3, 2008

Gaysians Top Media Loves of 2007


3)Queens of the Stoneage: Era Vulgaris
A fun, complex album. A great mix of tunes and a well written album. Do check it out.
2) Alicia Keys: As I Am
One of my favorite artists of all time. She brought it back with full force in her latest album.
1)RockBand: The Song List
Okay so not technically an album, but nothing is greater than interactive music that brings back such great hits as Maps by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs and Creep by Radiohead.


3)The Crown of Valencia: By Catherine Friend
Awesomely cheesy. Lezzie trashy romance at it's best.
2)Greetings from Jamaica, Wish you were Queer: Mari Santorini
The title itself is description enough
1)Buffy The Vampier Slayer: Season 8
While obviously it's not the same as the TV series, I'm happy that this well written little comic has brought back my love of the buffyverse full force.


3)Hotrod: I'm as surprised and mortified as you that I actually like this slapstick, boy-humour oriented comedy. Who knew?
2)Pan's Lybrinth: Dark, scary and an interpretive ending. I loved it.
1)Juno: Written by Diablo Cody, a former stripper. Nuff said.

TV Shows:

3)Dexter: I heart Dex and so does beetchie. Surprisingly the world did not end.
2)The Sarah Silverman Program:
"Dude I'm gay for you." Gay Neighbor 1
"Dude I'm totally gay for you too." Gay Neighbor 2
"Aww what a sweet way to go to hell." Woman in prison.
1) The L-word season 4: Like there would any other tv show to take the top spot in my list? Psh.


3) Hack your ipod, increase your productivity! Geeky and smart!
2) If you love to hate your fav. celebs.
1) What would I do w/o my daily lezzie celeb/media updates?

Biggest disappointments of 2007

5. Any weddings/marriages/pregancies or otherwise signalling of the loss of a drinking partner.
4. TV Shows: Bionic Woman, South of Nowhere season 3, the cancellation of Sugar Rush
3. Moviewise: 30 Days of Night, Sweeney Todd, and Shoot em Up.
2. Books: Any of the new Anita Blake books released this year. Ugh.
1. People: Certain folk that I will not name.

1 comment:

TheHOchieS said...

Stop hating on me! I am not a disappointment!

Very nice post. I enjoyed. I also enjoyed your stick of butter.

Did you see what the worst concert of the year was on The HOchieS blog? Heh. Heh. Heh.

Also, I think you'll be happy to see my end of year review blogs for music. Hint = there's Lily.

Oh wait, maybe I should shut my mouth before you slap me something fierce...