Saturday, March 8, 2008


Since arriving here in Grenada I've experienced something in my life that I've never had to deal with before...the acute pain and awareness of having TV absent from my life. It's difficult. And somewhere in the back of my mind I feel the absence of my beloved glowing friend/parent/comforter as a hollow void in my daily life all the time. That being said this has strengthened my resolve to catch up on shows I've missed during my absence from the states as well as some shows, that really, I should have checked out years ago.

1. The Bionic Woman- Why you may ask would I dreg up a TV show which is older than I am and probably when viewed through my contemporary adult mind would be horrible cheesy? Because, upon retrospect my five year old self had a wicked crush on the original Bionic Woman, Lyndsey Wagner. She could run super fast, was super strong and had an awesome dog! What five year old lesbian heart could resist?

2. The Facts of Life- If you want to do the gay test on somebody and they're over the age of 21 one of the most telling questions to ask is "Who was your favorite on the facts of life?" If they answer Jo (and in some really really kinky circles, Ms. Garrett) then you have your answer. Since I was so young when this show was on air, I would really like to see if my Jo really was as gay as everyone thought she was.

3. Veronica Mars- This is the single most elusive show I've ever attempted to watch. Nowhere online could I find it being streamed, I could not download it, legally or otherwise (Itunes only has the 3rd season for some reason) and neither blockbuster nor the small independent video store in my area carries it for rent. Refusing to buy an entire TV series, despite claims of the shows cleverness or Kirsten Bell's hotness had not been enough for me to shell out the big bucks, but now four years later (and her awesome role in the remake of Reefer Madness) I'm ready to make the leap.

4. Bad Girls- This is one of the most popular lesbian shows out there, with well written story lines and great acting. A prison full of English lezzie inclined ladies? It is a crime that I haven't seen this show yet...

5. Arrested Development- I have seen all of season 1...and that is it. I absolutely love this show, with its sarcastic humour and great ensemble cast. Plus its got Portia De'Rossi...

6. Ally McBeal- I used to watch this show religiously (after Buffy) when I was in high school and while I may end up hating it now, I am damn curious to see how I'll interpret this show now that I can contextualize it more appropriately. Plus its got Portia De'Rossi as well...

7. 30 Rock- I began watching Ms. Tina Fey and her awesomeness but unfortunately got distracted by some other, gayer show (the L-word). While that may be an unforgivable crime in some circles I'm more than willing to get back on the Tina Fey bandwagon. Plus Alec Baldwin really is awesome in this show.

8. Buffy the Vampire Slayer (season 6 and 7)- Since the release of the show via comic and Buffy's recent...ah...experimenting I've been wanting to catch up in the series just so I know what's going on!

9. Firefly- Just because I love Joss Whedon...oh and the companion is hot!

10. Anything w/ Paula Dean in it- I'm a food network addict and my favorite lady chef is none other than Ms. Paula Dean herself. Anyone who deep fries biscuits and then injects (literally!) with honey and butter can do no wrong in my book.

1 comment:

TheHOchieS said...

Let's see...I am responsible for your not watching many of the shows you've listed. There's Veronica Mars, Arrested Development, Buffy, and Firefly.

I am so proud of myself.


Love you Beetchie! Good luck with exams! You'll do okay and don't be sad!