Thursday, May 14, 2009

Jack the Belgian Malinois

Jack is my puppy and I've had him for a totally of seven months. In that time he's gotten into more mishaps (and dragged me with him) than I can recount. I've been blogging about our mishaps on my facebook account, but I've decided to post them here also, since well...puppy mayhem is a universally loved thing, I figured why not. I'll try and re-post the blogs in the order they occurred and probably re-post one per week. I hope you guys get as much of a kick of them as my facebook buddies have.

This was roughly a month after I adopted Jack and shortly after we arrived home for winter break.

Jack Attack

Friday, December 26, 2008

So it's barely been two weeks since we got home and Jack has not failed to find new ways to mortify and amuse me. Here a some recent misadventures he managed to get himself (and me) into.

1. Besting evolution. One would think the lack of an opposable thumb would stop him...but..he managed to lock himself in my room...he's learned that the door knob has something to do with opening and closing the door, so when put in a room he will repeatedly swipe at the knob. Somehow, over the course of a few hours he was able to snag the lock, unfortunately I did NOT have a key and so we had to drill a hole through the door and push the lock back open with a twisted up coat hanger. Throughout the 30 minute ordeal of trying to get the door open, I was able to sneak a peek through the hole and noticed Jack, unconcerned, sleeping away on my bed. Gah!
2. The stolen soccer ball. Evidently a soccer ball is just as good as a balloon because the other day while playing fetch with him at the local school yard (which we have to break into, cause New York sucks for dog parks), he spotted a bunch of guys playing soccer. While we were in a smaller yard adjacent to the main field, he was unable to get to his prize. Though he did manage to sneak past my brother's girlfriend, me and my brother at one point and made a grab at the ball. He scared the crap out of three grown men in the process. However, when the guys accidently kicked the ball over the fence into our field all bets were off. Jack grabbed the ball and promptly killed it, much to my embarrassment. I offered to pay for the ball, but fortunately the guys were nice enough to let it go.
3. Food thievery. Jack has gotten quite adept at stealing food off the counter (from my mom) when no one's looking. He's managed to snag a half a TRAY of salad, a quarter of a cake and for some reason really enjoys munching at my dads plants.
4. The knock over. He firmly believes that the best way to play with my ancient pom is to run into her. He managed to knock into her the other day and actually hurt her. She limped for 20 minutes and he got a time out of epic proportions.
5. The mission. His current goal in life (besides to give me a heart attack) is to find a way into my neighbors yard. He's seen Wasabi do it once (she's all of five pounds and fits through her screen, but she doesn't do anything anyway) so now he MUST do it. I give him another week to get his head stuck.
6. He loves my mom...who's petrified of dogs. He takes every opportunity he can to give her kisses, cuddle and be generally touchy. My mom is not amused.

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