Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Last Friends

As I stated before I am a shameless addict of soaps. No, no, before you start quoting the Days of Our Lives opening, I am referring to Asian soaps. You see, Asian soaps, unlike their American counterparts, will run a story through a single season, instead of multiple seasons. To me it's like reading a trilogy as opposed to a stand alone...so much more material (w/o it getting old or lame) and so much more satisfying!

I've recently begun watching Japanese soaps. The reason why I haven't before is because...well, they just weren't accessible. I, sadly, don't understand Japanese and to be honest don't even know how I would get my hands on any of these series even if I could. Fortunately these days we have something known as Internet streaming and fansubs. Within hours of something airing in Japan, I in my lazy American way, can enjoy the fruits of someone else's labor in my own home with so much as flicking a few keys on my keyboard ^_^

The current fav is Last Friends. I happened upon this series b/c of its mention in a AfterEllen Best Lesbian Week Ever column. I was first hesitant to check it out, as their last Gaysian media suggestion lead me to Spider Lilies...and I had trouble getting through the first 20 minutes of that film. I was worried it would be this pretentious, artsy fartsy soap. An oxymoron I know, but the Japanese are...well...crazy. I am happy to say I forced myself to watch it, b/c man am I hooked! Well I am a little saddened the main storyline is not entirely gay (it's actually about a transman) I still heart the characters and am hoping and cheering for their happy ending.

As I watched this soap, which by the by has lead me to other J-dramas, I realized a number of things...the most amusing to me is that Japanese anime is VERY much a realistic portrayal of Japanese mannerisms, attitudes and customs...in any event an awesome show that has left me gasping at the end of every episode! And it's queer! A must watch!

1 comment:

TheHOchieS said...

She is cute, that girl you like. Ah, the Japanese and their crazy anime like behaviour... or rather, their regular behaviour.

Have you watched anything soapy lately?