Thursday, April 30, 2009

I'm Backkkk!

Sorry for the long hiatus all. Relocating, school and a large puppy kinda got in the way of my gaysian blogging ways. However, I shall be back home for the summer and gearing to get back into full "gaysian news" mode...which is really whatever random "gay" news or opinions I may have. In any event, last night I was flipping through channels and saw Serenity was on. Oh bittersweet happy day! I'm a true and through Whedonite, so naturally I love this show (Firefly), whose run was cut short prematurely. My only complaint about the show was the godawful "Chinese" that the characters would randomly start speaking. To be honest, it took me a good six episodes before I realized that was the language that they were attempting to speak.

Regardless of the language slaughter, it was still an amazingly well written show that was very character and story driven. It had a fun premise and I loved the world that Joss Whedon created. And typical of Whedon shows, a no-nonsense acceptance of queer sexualities, with some geeky humor thrown in for good measure. For a lot of folks I know it's all about Nathan Fillion (Captain Mal), but for me it's always been badass Zoe, sexy Inara and psychotic River that got my attention. Oh lovely, space traveling, bandit ladies...

Did I mention she carries a gun? A big gun?

And was I the only one who was cheering for a Zoe/Inara pairing?

River...crazy, deadly but oh so bendy!

Really though ladies, since the L-Word has so tragically ended and True Blood doesn't start up until June, take some time and check out this amazing series.

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