Thursday, January 3, 2008

2007 Recap

I find that as I get older the years seem to go by faster, a phenomenon that is not uncommon I've found. Well, moving along this line of perception, 2007 zipped by faster than a fat man at a free buffet. That being said here are some highlights of my year.

In 2007 I decided to focus more on my professional and academic growth. Turning 25 lit the proverbial fire under my butt and I charged head on into pursuing my life long professional dream. That of course didn't occur w/o my shoveling more poop than I cared for, but regardless at the end of the summer I finally got into a veterinary medical school. Hollah ladies, holla.

That being said I didn't spend as much time skanking, drinking and otherwise farting around as I did in 2005/2006 (where levels of drinking and ho'ing about were unrivalved before and since in my life). Yet 2007 was not all work and no play. As a matter of fact I did have a lot of play time. The largest recreational accomplishment of the year for me was my trip to Japan. After many years of planning/schemnig/hoping and praying with a good friend of mine, we finally packed up bags and hit the sky. Japan was a mixture of endless odd fascinations, slightly disappointing anime haven and a foodie heaven. I'm happy I went and even more happy that i left before the typoons and earthquakes, which have been stated before, is no fault of me or my friend.

I got a new tattoo (in Harajuku Japan), went to numerous concerts, meet a celebrity or two, learned how to insert a I.V cathater, made some great friends in the profession, changed jobs, passed biochemistry and on top of it all I was still able to maintain most of my friendships and remain sane.

For 2008 I look forward to starting vet school and making new friends. My only fear is finding fellow queerlings, but hey it's true our people are everywhere.


TheHOchieS said...

Things will be great in 2008!

I just thought of that slogan, do you like?

No worries, Beetchie. It's a whole new adventure for you and you'll do fine.
Don't forget, we're all here supporting you!

TheHOchieS said...

Oh yeah, and don't forget we also encountered weird animals, weird children and weird peeps from NJ. Make that, "regular" peeps from NJ. Ahaha, poor guy. Wonder if he got deported yet? He was nice.